Coding and Walking

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

How To Train Your Dragon 2

Well more of the same as in ... How To Train Your Dragon

But still very entertaining, and well worth a watch ... the animation of the clouds, water and fire is getting so impressive

Sunday, November 16, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past

Excellent movie, well worth a watch ...

Unlike The Wolverine, which had so much promise, but never seemed to click  

How do you remove old records from the BAMPrimaryImport TDDS_FailedTrackingData table?

How can you remove old records from the BizTalk BAMPrimaryImport TDDS_FailedTrackingData table? 
... not the TDDS_FailedTrackingData in the BizTalkDTADb database

Well it looks like it's a case of manually deleting the records (`TRUNCATE TABLE` or `DELETE FROM`) ...

I've used Red Gate's SQL Search and looked for `TDDS_FailedTrackingData` throughout the database ...

*all objects and all databases* 

Found 8 references in the entire system ... see below

Records are removed from the `[BizTalkDTADb].[dbo].[TDDS_FailedTrackingData]` in two stored procedures ...

- `[dtasp_CleanHMData]` does a `TRUNCATE TABLE` 
- `[dtasp_PurgeTrackingDatabase_Internal]` does a `DELETE FROM` for 100 records at a time

However the `[BAMPrimaryImport]` database only has one stored procedure that has any mention of the `[BAMPrimaryImport].[dbo].[TDDS_FailedTrackingData]` table ...

- `[BAMPrimaryImport].[dbo].[TDDS_InsertFailedTrackingData]`
- and it just inserts records, with the addition of current date & time from GETUTCDATE()

Found lots of posts about clearing down the `[BizTalkDTADb]` table, but very few on clearing down the `[BAMPrimaryImport]`

This on [TechNet]( from a BizTalk MVP

And this on [MSDN]( from another BizTalk expert. 

![SQL Search results for TDDS_FailedTrackingData][1]


See also Stack Overflow

Friday, July 04, 2014

How To Train Your Dragon

Watched it last night ... wasn't sure it was for me?

Glad I did watch it, really enjoyed it

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Watched the film Gravity, first section in 3D, rest in 2D

Story was Ok

Visuals were amazing

3D was Ok  ... not as good as Avatar, better than a lot of other 3D movies.

Testing a BizTalk deployment

I've been working with the BizTalk Deployment Framework BTDF and it just gets better and better!

There is even an option to deploy an assembly with a set of NUnit tests for verifying the installation.

And even better, it add a menu item "Verify Deployment", which runs up the NUnit GUI, with the test assembly and auto-runs the tests!

See the section "Testing a Deployed Application", under "Deploying to a BizTalk Server Group" in the v5.5 documentation

Friday, May 02, 2014

Setting up a BizTalk 2010 dev machine

As a reminder for me ...

Follow the details in Sandro Pereira's blog, starting at ... Part 1 ... and going up to the SQL Server 2005 Notification Services install at ... Part 5

However I couldn't get the installation of SharePoint Foundation to work ... somewhere in the BAM being 32-bit only and SharePoint 2010 WSS adapter being 64-bit only, IIS app pools, whatever !!!

Searching and found a walk-through at ... Life runs on code ... where he'd got BizTalk already installed, and was adding the WSS adapter.
The first issue was he installed with a domain account, but I was using a local account.
The details at ... SharePoint under local account ... sorted that.

Created a new site for SharePoint on port 90, but BAM was broken ... 
- getting a 404 from it
- worse, the //localhost was also 404 
- but SharePoint site and SharePoint admin were working

Moved the default web site to port:8080 and localhost and BAM started working
Moved it back to 80, and it carried on working
... no idea why that worked, but I'll live with it ...

Back to notes on adding BizTalk WSS Adapter in ... WSS Adapter
- watch out, need to add local accounts to the "SharePoint Enabled Hosts" group
- and can then browse the web service at ... http://localhost:90/BTSharePointAdapterWS/BTSharePointAdapterWS.asmx

Then back to Sandro Pereira / Steef-Jan Wiggers blog posts ...

... also had to fix NS$BAMAlerts ... see other post ... Fix nsbamalert

Thursday, May 01, 2014

NS$BAMAlert causing unhandled exception FileNotFoundException in a new BizTalk installation

Working thorough the creation on new BizTalk 2010 dev virtual

On start-up of the virtual machine, I was getting a prompt to start a new instance of Visual Studio to debug an unhandled FileNotFoundException from nsservice.exe.

System event log shows a couple of errors relating to NS$BAMAlerts failing to start

Opened up the SQL Server 2005 Notification Services Command Prompt and ran ...
    nscontrol listversions
which shows the instance is BAMAlerts and version is 9.0.242

So then ran ...
    nscontrol status -name bamalerts
which shows NS$bamalerts (VIRTUAL) service is not running

Then see if repair helps ...
    nscontrol repair -name bamalerts -database bamalertsnsmain -schema dbo
but get error ...
The type initializer for 'Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices.Common.DatabaseObject' threw an exception.

Is this another issue with the problem with SMO being updated by the SQL 2008 R2 Reporting Services SharePoint 2010 Add-in?

So uninstalled the add-in, reinstalled the SQLServer2005_XMO_x64.msi, and eureka, the NS$BAMAlerts service started up OK  ... once I'd given the right SQL Server login permissions to the account I'd set-up for running the various services

American Hustle

Started quite slow, even to the extend I was going to give up on it / wondering about the hyp

But it picked up and all-in-all, I enjoyed it

Overall: not one of the greats, but Ok for a watch

Thursday, April 17, 2014

BizTalk 2010 BAM installation

Creating a new virtual machine for a BizTalk 2010 development environment.

Following Sandro Pereira's series of blog posts, starting at ...

Got to the stage of installing BizTalk, but I got an error with the BAM Tools stage ...

Lots of searching but not much help out there, but finally reading a post by The Connected Enterprise about BAM Tools installation woes offered a possible solution ...

Seems having SharePoint Foundation installed, includes the SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting plugin. This seems to remove the SQL Server 2005 SMO, which looks to be used in the BAM configuration.

Solution was to uninstall the SQL Reporting, reinstall the 2005 SMO and ... SUCCESS, the BAM Tools install worked a treat.

I also went through the configuration in the "Advanced" mode, i.e. doing each step and applying configuration one at a time, rather than "Basic" running through them all in one go.

PS. but still can't get the SharePoint adapter to configure  :-(

However Life Runs On Code looks to have the solution !!